There is No Absolute Truth?

Posted on May 21, 2024

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There is No Absolute Truth?

“According to a recent poll, 66 percent of Americans believe that ‘”‘there is no such thing as absolute truth’ Among young adults, the percentage is even higher: 72 percent of those between eighteen and twenty-five do not believe absolutes exist.”

– from George Barna, The Barna Report: What Americans Believe (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1991), pp 83-85.

If such a statistic was true in 1991 when George Barna published this report, how much worse off is our society today? As a 19 year old in 1992, I would have been in the minority, but a large number of my now 50 year friends of today apparently have disowned the concept of absolute truth for 3 decades now.

Look around and consider what that has bought us in society today. As Richard Weaver said, “ideas have consequences”. While the disbelief in truth is not the only factor leading to the degradation of society, we are hard pressed to find much else with such an impact as this deception. When a group of people have lost sight of truth’s existence, they naturally return to life as in the time of Judges, when everyone did what was right in their own eyes.

We live is a sad world when we must begin evangelism with an establishment that truth exists. Overcoming this barrier is difficult when others have lived within this false worldview for their entire lives. We must teach them a new language of truth. This chasm over which their minds and spirits must travel can only be overcome by the work of the Spirit. I pray we can reach more with truth itself and Himself.