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Good evening,

As a House district 65 resident, I am very pleased at your honesty in the linked article below.…/autonomy-vs-accountability-not…

If I am understanding you correctly, you believe that anyone who accepts state funding through the Educational Freedom Scholarships should have state oversight. Many are claiming that there will be no strings attached for those taking state funds, but we all know that this is quite the false advertising. For any government-sourced money, there will be strings. You are at least honest in this respect while so many are playing a game of deception.

You are honest that despite all the fanfare of calling this “Education Freedom”, ultimately it will bring private schools and homeschools under the public school umbrella. Everyone will have to teach to the same standardized system. Everyone will have to use “approved/certified” curriculum. Despite championing creativity and ingenuity in saving our children from the broken public school system, we can just bring everyone under the same broken system and sink together.

By now, you can tell that I oppose this bill quite strongly. Pretending that this bill will enable any student in a public school to attain a better education is false advertising. It will only force public school practices into the private school. I beg you to reconsider and would be glad to sit down with you to talk more about the many other ways this bill is bad for Tennessee children.

In Prayer for Wisdom for All,

Dr. Potter

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