Man Is Religious – Henry Van Til

Posted on January 30, 2024

Home Essays on Whole Person Life Posts Man Is Religious – Henry Van Til


Man Is Religious – Henry Van Til

“For man, in the deepest reaches of his being, is religious; he is determined by his relationship to God. Religion, to paraphrase the poet’s expressive phrase, is not of life a thing apart, it is man’s whole existence. Hutchison, indeed, comes to the same conclusion when he says, “For religion is not one aspect or department of life beside the others, as modern secular thought likes to believe; it consists rather in the orientation of all human life to the absolute” (Ibid., p. 211) — Henry Van Til …… p. 37 also quoting John A Hutchison, Faith, Reason, and Existence (New York, 1956), p. 210.

Regardless of how man attempts to deny religion in his life on any given day of the week, man must face the reality that all of life is lived in relationship to God. Our whole existence is lived before our Maker. How we orient our lives to the one Absolute, He whom we call God, must be lived out every single day of our lives. No strength nor repetition of denying this reality will allow us to escape that. By accepting that and responding to it, we can have a hope for a right religion.