January 2024


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                Anytime that anyone spends any money, we want to assure that we are getting what we paid for.  If we are considering whether or not to buy the next book in the school choice series, we should consider if the last book gave us the results we had hoped for.  With school choice, a primary foundation for implementation is to improve the education of the children receiving the scholarship or voucher.  The initial report on North Carolina State recipients was initially mildly encouraging. In a comparison of 245 students receiving voucher funding for private school enrollment, language scores improved but not math scores.  When further analyzing the data, these improvements were primarily in voucher studens from Catholic schools who were already administering the test being used to compare.  This suggested a potential bias in that the Catholic schools were teaching to the standardized test used for comparison giving them an advantage.  Given the difficulty of such a comparison even with standardized testing, further comparison was made and another study conducted.  This time the results by Duke University were less encouraging as described in the Helms article.               

“The Duke study, published in 2020, reports that initial requirements to provide some measure of academic outcomes have been weakened or ignored, and that ‘“’the data do not exist due to the lack of comparable testing between public and private school students.’”’”

This would seem poorly supportive of implementing school choice   Both logic and general consensus in education agree that using a curriculum which prepares students for a particular standardized test usually results in better test scores on that particular test, but not always for a different standardized test.  The study acknowledged multiple formidable challenges in creating an apples to apples comparison to determine true outcomes for school choice programs.  With taking all into consideration, especially the potential confounding factors of curriculum choices influencing test scores, the assurance of school choice supporters that we are getting our money’s worth is a little thin.   As I described in a prior article, this lack of impressive return on investment is common across other state programs which have attempted similar assessments.

                While the largest number of students still attend public or private schools, a sizable number of parents are choosing to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons.  Although, a program to fund private schools would not seem to automatically impact these homeschoolers, as is often the case with government, reality is not so simple.  At this point in North Carolina, I cannot find anyone who has clearly reported on positive or negative impacts on homeschoolers who elect to receive school choice funding or those who don’t.  As noted earlier, the statewide homeschooling association advises against participation in the current program for a number of reasons.  No one has reported on how many homeschoolers have or plan to participate and receive a school voucher.  No one has reported on any outcomes in these cases.  North Carolina homeschoolers already have to administer a state standardized test yearly, so school choice does not add any burden in this regard.

                As with any legislation, the first round which passes can seem innocuous, not adding strings or limitations to homeschooling freedoms.  The future alterations can be a greater source of danger. The next legislative session can amend the innocuous prior bill and add restrictive strings without having to fight the entire original battle for passing.  This can happen without anyone noticing until it is too late.  In North Carolina, a survey by the NCHEA would seem encouraging in how many current legislators reported being homeschoolers or having a positive attitude towards them, but some quoted responses were clearly a little off (Candidate Survey Results).  Given some of the proposed bills in recent sessions (NCHE Legislative Update), North Carolina homeschooling parents should not relax and trust their children’s educational freedoms to these supportive opinions.  Even if the legislators don’t make changes, there is a risk that the educational bureaucracy will “interpret” passed legislation differently than lawmakers intended.  We saw this recently in Tennessee regarding when legislation to remove the immunization reporting requirement for homeschoolers was reinterpreted as not removing the requirement by the state’s education department.  Lawmakers had to make a formal statement of their intent before the educational bureaucrats relented.  Similar reinterpretations occurred in Indiana.

                Looking at this School Choice book in the series, we in Tennessee should consider if we want to purchase a Tennessee edition or not.  We can see similar patterns developing already beginning with the small size start up in a few Tennessee counties now being pushed to expand across the state.  We see similar outside funding sources pushing this agenda as I describe in another article (LINK) with American Federation for Children along with 50CAN pouring money into Tennessee organizations just like North Carolina.  We already see several instances of charter schools which already receive current school choice money being caught up in fraud and wasted taxpayer money. (Tennessee Public Education Coalition 2022).  The funding for Tennessee is projected in the hundreds of millions like North Carolina, but so far politicians have been promising that public education will not lose funding.  That means the money has to come from somewhere since our government can’t grow it on trees (just printing presses).  A clear answer to that “where” has not been forthcoming so far.  The accountability debate is already in full swing in Tennessee as liberals and public-school advocates as well as conservatives demand to know how government money is being spent.  While many claim that no strings will be attached, no one should believe for a minute that regulations will not follow the money which is following the child to a private school or to a homeschool.

                Tennessee citizens, whether being parents or not, should also ask whether we will get any better results from all this money than North Carolina is receiving.  While parent satisfaction scores from other states do increase (Rhinesmith 2017) can we consider these debatable score improvements worth the effort and cost?  Is the greater determinant from which curriculum is chosen and thus the score depends more on preparation by a school for a particular test than the actual quality of instruction at a private school instead of a public school. 

                For homeschooling families in Tennessee who currently possess a little more freedom to do so than North Carolina families, what can we expect Tennessee’s version of school choice to bring.  For those who take the voucher money, they should expect at least a few accountability strings.  For those who don’t accept such government funding, will we be sucked into the regulations since many of us homeschool under umbrella programs.  While umbrella school involvement in homeschooling is not an option in North Carolina, Tennessee umbrella schools which accept voucher students could be forced to comply with more regulations. These regulations would eventually filter down to all homeschoolers in their umbrella schools even if they don’t accept voucher money themselves.  This is an unanswered question at present.  While I would not trust North Carolina legislators’ good wishes for homeschooling which they claim, I definitely would not trust our Tennessee legislators given past bill proposals like HB1214 in 2023.  Without significant pushback from homeschoolers, homeschooling freedoms would have been harmed.   During interactions with legislators regarding that bill, one lawmaker expressed concern for parents who claimed to be homeschooling, but who instead used that as excuse to take their children out of school.  This lawmaker wanted more regulations over all homeschoolers for the potential tiny numbers of parents who might do this.  Clearly, the lawmakers don’t trust the majority of parents to educate their own children. 

                In conclusion, school choice, whether called a voucher or a scholarship, is not automatically a win for either the students who participate or for those who don’t.  Tennessee, like North Carolina, is being intentionally influenced by forces outside the state.  There will be a similar high dollar cost without a clear reward.  The proposed program may have negative effects on homeschool legal code.  Homeschoolers must stay vigilant and not trust our legislators who generally believe that government and their elite bureaucratic advisors know what is best for our children.  In both Tennessee and North Carolina, we therefore have the same school choice book publishers pushing the same agenda trying to promote another tearjerker solution for our failing public education system promising a better ending while spending lots of money on an unproven storyline of school choice.  I say, “Let’s put the book back on the shelf and try a different book.”

Bibliography for Parts 1 and 2:

Associated Press. (2023, April 20). N.C. Lawsuit Over Private School Scholarship Program dismissed. NC lawsuit over private school scholarship program dismissed. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2023/04/20/n-c–lawsuit-over-private-school-scholarship-program-dismissed

Candidate survey results. North Carolinians for Home Education. (n.d.). https://www.nche.com/candidate-survey-results/

Egalite, A. J., Stallings, D. T., & Porter, S. R. (2020). An Analysis of the Effects of North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship Program on Student Achievement. AERA Open, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858420912347

Helms, A. D. (2023, June 30). How do North Carolina’s School Vouchers Work? as expansion looms, here are answers. WFAE 90.7 – Charlotte’s NPR News Source. https://www.wfae.org/education/2023-06-30/how-do-north-carolinas-school-vouchers-work-as-expansion-looms-here-are-answers

Kotch, A. (2014, August 29). The Big Money For and against school vouchers in North Carolina. Facing South. https://www.facingsouth.org/2014/08/the-big-money-for-and-against-school-vouchers-in-n.html

Mason, S. (2021, March 17). The ever-present opposition to Home Education. North Carolinians for Home Education. https://www.nche.com/opposition-to-home-education/

McClellan, H. (2023, April 26). Bill expanding N.C. Private School vouchers to all students moves forward in Senate. EducationNC. https://www.ednc.org/04-26-2023-bill-expanding-n-c-private-school-vouchers-to-all-students-moves-forward-in-senate/

Nordstrom, K. (2023, June 16). New analysis shows many private schools in N.C. have more vouchers than students. North Carolina Justice Center. https://www.ncjustice.org/analysis-nc-private-school-voucher-program/

North Carolina Legal Code 115C-562. Chapter 115C – Article 39. (n.d.). https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/byarticle/chapter_115c/article_39.html

Rhinesmith, Evan (2017) A review of the research on parent satisfaction in private school choice programs, Journal of School Choice, 11:4, 585-603, DOI: 10.1080/15582159.2017.1395639

State Policy Network. North Carolina Passes School Choice. (2023, September 25). https://spn.org/articles/north-carolina-passes-school-choice/

Tennessee Public Education Coalition. (2022, March 10). How charter schools and vouchers harm Tennessee students: Opinion. The Tennessean. https://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/2022/03/10/tennessee-educaiton-charter-schools-tennessee-public-education-coalition/9422346002/#:~:text=Knowledge%20Academies%20in%20Nashville%20lost,annual%20revenue%20of%20%247.1%20million%3B

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(Having described the dismal situation created by the worldly approach of patterning family after a non-Biblical pattern in the last installment of this series, we move now to considering a better pattern for family life that can effectively counter the mental health crisis.)

              If we humbly accept that the family unit, including the Christian families of our society, have played a role in the mental health knot by following the world rather than God’s design, we have a choice to make. We can continue this self-destructive pattern and wait hopelessly for the state or those with worldly resources to untangle the knot or we can turn to a Biblical pattern.  In such a Biblical approach we should evaluate whether our basic principles of family line up with God’s prescriptive and proscriptive principles.  The foundations of society in family must be directed at the “shalom” and “eirene” which I described earlier as God’s intentions for man’s peace in this world.  We must not only turn away from the world’s failed man-centered approaches but also turn towards God-centered approaches and goals.

              In breaking from the patterns of the present, we must start at the beginning with the correct beliefs about family.  From beliefs, we then move to knowing what to value.  After that we can change our actions and develop new patterns of family life which then lead to different outcomes than what we currently experience.  At the heart of the change, some of the core Biblical principles and beliefs underlying a God-centered approach to family include:

              Children are a gift from God to parents.

              Children are first and foremost entrusted to their parents for raising up.  

               Children are to be raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  

              Parents are accountable to God as stewards.  

              Parents are commanded to raise children to obey God.  

              Marriage is between one man and one women till death parts them or the covenant is violated.

              Children are accountable to parents and ultimately to God.

              Parents are under covenant with God to raise children His way.

              The goal of parenting is Godly children who continue under this covenant.

               Children are born into this family covenant with obligations.

               The family institution is a foundational means by which God produces both thriving individuals but also a thriving mentally well society.

(Psalm 127:3-5; Ephesians 6:1-4; Deut. 6:6-7)

               Such beliefs and principles then lead to values that we as parents then pursue.  Beliefs serve as the foundation for how we view the reality in which we live out family life.  If we truly believe these truths, we will choose daily based on these beliefs.  The impetus then turns to what we value, what we hold to be worthy of our time and effort to pursue or appreciate.  The world in its attempt to supplant God’s values claims the opposites of these values, but the following values must undergird the beliefs just mentioned:

               Godly children who walk in God’s ways are more important than worldly successful children.

               Pleasing God is more important than pleasing other men. (1 Thessalonians 2:4)

               While temporal life has value, eternal life has more value. (1 Timothy 4:8)

               Worldly pleasures which violate God’s Word are to be avoided. (1 John 2:15-17)

               Family relationships have a precedence over non-familial relationships. (Ephesians 5:25, Proverbs 11:29)

               Understanding the covenant we and our children live under is worthy of time and effort.

               We value relational connections over hyper-individuality and independence (1 John 4:20).

               A family legacy of Godly children is worth the sacrifice (Deuteronomy 6:5-7

               Once we come to believe the principles and agree with these values, then our behaviors will begin to conform to these foundations.  If our behaviors do not conform, then we must ask if we believe and agree as much as we claim.  Some, but not all of our appropriate responses include:

              Children are taught to submit to God’s commands.

              Children are taught Godly values.

              Children are taught to function as part of a family rather than only as individuals.

              Children are taught to consider family needs and the needs of others.

              Children are taught to honor the relationships within the family and outside the family.

               Children are taught responsibility which continues into their adulthood and future work.

              Children are protected and guided through providential adversity rather than solely shielding from adversity.

              Family relationships are honored by considering how our actions affect our family.

              We stop trying to replace the roles of the family with governmental programs.

              We stop following the world advice on educating our children.

              Individuals within families recognize their responsibilities to the family and act accordingly.

              With such beliefs and such values leading to these behaviors, we can realistically hope for different fruit than the current worldly approach.  We can look around us and see the obvious fruits of the present worldly approach.  These rotten worldly fruits are the primary reason we are having this discussion and looking for alternative answers.  Enacting more previously faulty solutions based on the beliefs and values of the world will only tangle the shoelaces even further.  Returning to the original design of the Designer becomes the only hope for bearing the following fruits:

              Emotionally more resilient children and adults.

              Such children and adults who are not overcome by the challenges of life in a fallen world.

              Families and the churches or communities arising from them which function more harmoniously.

              Familial, church, and community support networks which prevent mental health decline rather than looking to the state or worldly experts.

              Such networks naturally providing support at a fraction of the cost that government solutions cost.

              More productive individuals and a society without a mental health crisis.

              Children are taught to submit to God’s commands.

              Children are taught Godly values.

              Gods peace of “shalom” and “eirene” will arise more abundantly from such families.

              I agree that this sounds almost too simple and overly optimistic.  You will ask me if it is really this straightforward.   I agree that this is not that simple to carry out in our fallen world with both the pressures of false worldviews contrary to God’s standard and the realities of the fallen physical world.  However, I do emphasize that the work does begin with families committed to the Biblical standard for family function, relationships, and purpose.  Without the foundation of Godly families, the church must carry an even greater weight and perform much more remedial work in discipling the up-and-coming generations towards a Godly sourced “shalom” and “eirene”.  As we turn to the responsibilities and roles of the church, we must recognize that the church’s role generally flourishes more when the family foundation is present and sturdy on these principles, beliefs, values, and behaviors.

(With a clearer picture of the role the family must play in solving the mental health crisis, in the next installment we consider the role of the church alongside the family.)

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                The first book you read from a series often determines whether or not you end up buying a sequel.  You can make a relatively reliable prediction about another book in the series by looking at a prior book.  Likewise, we can make some predictions about school choice efforts in Tennessee by looking at other Southern states whose book we can review first.  North Carolina offers a reasonable example for this school choice book review for several reasons.  As a southern state with a mix of rural and urban counties, it has about a 10-year history with school choice.  Like others including the current path in Tennessee, it started with a smaller program advancing until the decision to go universal and bigger is now underway.  It had its court battles to shape its final product as others challenged different aspects of its design.  Like Tennessee, their design includes a voucher or scholarship form in which the state writes a check to the chosen private school on behalf of the student. All together, this resembles Tennessee’s current and future proposed approach sufficiently for a comparative review to determine if we want to shelve current Tennessee universal school choice proposals.

                Tennessee does not have to be an exact replica of North Carolina to use the latter for comparison as patterns will arise with similar setting and program design.  With some awareness of what Tennessee could get itself into, we can try to avoid similar problems or choose to forgo school choice all together.  At the very least, we can make some informed decisions rather than just on altruistic propaganda and idealism.  We cannot just trust the false advertising that the Tennessee book in the school choice series will be amazingly better than the North Carolina book or any other state we could look at.

                While just reading a book does not require any organization other than reading from end to end, making a comparison of North Carolina’s school choice story requires a little more planning.  First, we should consider if North Carolina in general resembles Tennessee.  Second, we should consider the problems we see in North Carolina surrounding school choice. These include who is driving or funding the movement, instances of fraud, the actual cost of the program, regulations imposed on private schools, and the actual outcomes of the program.  Third, for those of us who homeschool in Tennessee, we should consider direct or indirect effects on homeschool freedoms already enjoyed and potential changes given the opinions and patterns of legislators.  With that in mind, we can better determine if we want this change to come to Tennessee as our Governor proposes.

                Beginning with the general characteristics of North Carolina and its school choice program, we can see many similarities.  As previously noted, both Tennessee and North Carolina are Southern states with a mix of urban and rural counties, each of which experience school choice effects differently.  Beyond that their legislature is strongly Republican controlled such that they can shape the school choice policies to their liking and the Democrats are not to blame for school choice in general.  Having started small in 2013 (State Policy Network 2022) North Carolina’s program initially only included low-income families, but as of September of 2023, became a universal school choice state.  Based on the website for North Carolina Home Educators Association, homeschoolers there are advised to not accept state funding through this program due to potential for increased governmental control of homeschooling.  Homeschoolers already have to administer yearly tests and comply with other rules (we don’t have these requirements yet in Tennessee).  Homeschoolers in that state do not want more strings than they already have. At least in Tennessee, this is an important difference which homeschoolers should seek to maintain.

                As a Southern state seeking to keep the influence of outside forces from excessively impacting legislation and policies for Tennessee citizens, we must look at the funding behind these school choice efforts in both North Carolina and Tennessee.  There are similarities.  In North Carolina, someone analyzed organizations on both sides of the school choice debate and identified significant non-North Carolina sources of money.  We know that money influences politics through lobbying and public relations campaigns on the surface as well as formal and “informal” donations behind the scenes.   Alex Kotch wrote a revealing article in 2014 describing the influence of national organizations like the American Federations for Children promoting school choice while the National Education Association (representing teachers) spent money against school choice.  Mr. Kotch’s article provides further details on organizations within North Carolina who received money from these national organizations and how their money was spent to influence North Carolina elections and legislation.  (more about funding in another WPWL blog).  The State Policy Network website also mentions other organizations they credit with getting the recent 2023 universal expansion passed: “John Locke Foundation, 50CAN, EdChoice, ExcelinEd, and” (again) “the American Federation for Children.”  While Alex Kotch’s article includes the local groups lobbying for school choice, we can see that money outside the state likely played a major role in passing both rounds of North Carolina’s school choice legislation.  We will compare this to Tennessee in a bit.

                Anytime that big money like that associated with school choice programs begins to flow outward from any source including government, the potential for fraud grows.  The sinful nature of mankind will draw those who are seeking to gather some of this money without actually providing the service required for the money.  A report by the North Carolina Justice Center in June of 2023 reported that they found several instances of schools reporting having enrolled more school choice voucher students than they had reported as even enrolled in the whole school (Nordstrom 2023).  There was at least one instance of a school having to return such money confirming an error without addressing intentionality of the error (Nordstrom 2023).  The other concern expressed by school choice opponents has been the potential for fake schools to receive such government money.  If one follows the state reports on which schools are filed as private schools and how many voucher students they receive, you will see that many small schools come and go.  It is not clear if these are truly small schools that simply failed like any other business, or were never real in the first place.  Besides the outright financial fraud that occurs, many have questioned the quality of these schools in flux which is a reasonable question given the varying results reported further below. 

                Another comparison to consider is the cost of any government program, especially one with the sizable price tag attached to school choice.  The initial cost for North Carolina’s initial program for lower income families amounted to around 44 million for the 2017-2018 school year (McClellan 2023).  Now that their program has gone nuclear, I mean universal, the projections for year 2031 are around 500 million dollars (McClellan 2023).  Echoing the prior point about fraud, this amount of money will attract a lot of flies trying to fly away with some government money.  Even for the legitimate parents and private schools, such an influx of available money will greatly influence the economy of private schooling and public education in the state.  Since the idea’s inception, opponents of school choice have argued that removing those dollars from local schools will be devastating.  While no supporter of public education myself, I know that such a gap will be filled somehow from other government money and ultimately taxpayers.  I would like to see the public education system replaced completely, but given that the majority of conservatives and liberals both profess support for educating our future generations, neither side will let the public system ultimately fail or be replaced by something better.  Someone from some governmental office somewhere will be shifting other taxpayer funds to cover the gap.  I await to see what happens in North Carolina with the new Universal program. 

                With government money we always get accountability strings.  This seems intuitively reasonable as the citizen’s tax money deserves such accountability to be sure it is not wasted on fraud or poor outcomes.  Again, echoing the reality of fraud in any money giveaway by the government, we the taxpayers deserve to know that government is spending our money on what they say they are spending it on.  In general, conservatives and liberals can agree on this in principle even not perfectly in application.  For school choice funds, this means that private schools and parents of the children must comply with certain regulations or risk either losing the money or other legal repercussions.  One big debate in North Carolina (Associated Press 2023) centered around whether religious schools could receive government funding without violating separation of church and state.  For now, it was ruled constitutional, and no school is restricted based on teaching religious beliefs in their classrooms.  Time will tell if this freedom continues.  Another debate that is still underway addresses whether participating schools can refuse entry to students who disagree with their worldview regarding issues like gender, marriage, and other cultural dividing points.  This will be influenced by whether or not federal money is used as that money clearly contains thick strings regarding discrimination legalities.  Besides such issues of worldview, the North Carolina legislation does include a few strings explicitly.  All students in North Carolina are already required to take standardized tests so that has not changed with school choice initiation.  The legal code also includes the requirement for a certified public accountant to review the use of voucher money if it exceeds a specified amount.  The school is further prohibited from adding additional charges to voucher students based solely on being a voucher student which means that any increase in administrative costs will be spread over the entire student body, potentially increasing everyone’s costs of enrollment.  Schools with 25 or more students receiving North Carolina school vouchers must report an aggregate score for those students.  With this information, the school can be assessed on its success rate.  (North Carolina 115C-562).

Return in a few days for part 2

Bibliography of Parts 1 and 2:

Associated Press. (2023, April 20). N.C. Lawsuit Over Private School Scholarship Program dismissed. NC lawsuit over private school scholarship program dismissed. https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2023/04/20/n-c–lawsuit-over-private-school-scholarship-program-dismissed

Candidate survey results. North Carolinians for Home Education. (n.d.). https://www.nche.com/candidate-survey-results/

Egalite, A. J., Stallings, D. T., & Porter, S. R. (2020). An Analysis of the Effects of North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship Program on Student Achievement. AERA Open, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858420912347

Helms, A. D. (2023, June 30). How do North Carolina’s School Vouchers Work? as expansion looms, here are answers. WFAE 90.7 – Charlotte’s NPR News Source. https://www.wfae.org/education/2023-06-30/how-do-north-carolinas-school-vouchers-work-as-expansion-looms-here-are-answers

Kotch, A. (2014, August 29). The Big Money For and against school vouchers in North Carolina. Facing South. https://www.facingsouth.org/2014/08/the-big-money-for-and-against-school-vouchers-in-n.html

Mason, S. (2021, March 17). The ever-present opposition to Home Education. North Carolinians for Home Education. https://www.nche.com/opposition-to-home-education/

McClellan, H. (2023, April 26). Bill expanding N.C. Private School vouchers to all students moves forward in Senate. EducationNC. https://www.ednc.org/04-26-2023-bill-expanding-n-c-private-school-vouchers-to-all-students-moves-forward-in-senate/

Nordstrom, K. (2023, June 16). New analysis shows many private schools in N.C. have more vouchers than students. North Carolina Justice Center. https://www.ncjustice.org/analysis-nc-private-school-voucher-program/

North Carolina Legal Code 115C-562. Chapter 115C – Article 39. (n.d.). https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/byarticle/chapter_115c/article_39.html

Rhinesmith, Evan (2017) A review of the research on parent satisfaction in private school choice programs, Journal of School Choice, 11:4, 585-603, DOI: 10.1080/15582159.2017.1395639

State Policy Network. North Carolina Passes School Choice. (2023, September 25). https://spn.org/articles/north-carolina-passes-school-choice/

Tennessee Public Education Coalition. (2022, March 10). How charter schools and vouchers harm Tennessee students: Opinion. The Tennessean. https://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/2022/03/10/tennessee-educaiton-charter-schools-tennessee-public-education-coalition/9422346002/#:~:text=Knowledge%20Academies%20in%20Nashville%20lost,annual%20revenue%20of%20%247.1%20million%3B

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(After a preparatory series of blogs, we now turn to proposing a response to the mental health crisis which has been our focus over the preceding weeks of this series.)

               Fourth, our responsive solution must focus the right amount of effort or force at the necessary root cause factors or else little will change, at least to the extent we are hoping for.  Sometimes, your child’s knotted shoelace needs a pointed object to be pressed at just the right place in order to pull out a loop that would otherwise be seemingly content with remaining entangled until the end of time.  The present mental health of our society exists because the factors identified earlier continue to exert pressure on individuals and communities to hold them in place, if not tightening the mental health dysfunction knot.  Until an appropriate countering force is pressed at the root of the problem, the mental health knot will continue to tighten under the influence of the worldly pressures.

               Before spending time considering true and proper responses to the root issue we just finished describing, we will briefly review the world’s flawed responses.  The world candidly exhibits its opinion of the nature of the mental health crisis by the solutions it offers.  Other essays on this Whole Person Whole Life website have addressed or will address how our Tennessee legislators view the mental health crisis with their proposed solutions during the Special Session this past summer.  Their proposals focused primarily on more money and more mental health professionals.   They proposed hiring more mental health experts in schools and the community and paying for more mental health care with government money.  They continue to look to governmentally based solutions working without regard to the underlying spiritual issues of those suffering.

               Another example of the world’s approach comes from a recent opinion piece in The Tennessean by guest columnist Scott Pierce.  There Mr. Pierce lamented that only 56% of psychiatrists accepted commercial insurance and expressed his belief that “The fundamental driver behind these stats” (referring to 1 million mental health diagnoses in Tennessee) “is inaccessibility to needed care. Simply put, there aren’t enough mental health providers. And most are concentrated in urban areas, often operating outside of the health insurance system.”  His solution is to increase the reimbursement for mental health services to mental health professionals.  Again, more money and more expert care.  He goes further later in the article to express how Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance company is changing its case management of these patients to increase the compliance with medications.  So, besides more money and more care, the problem needs more medications.  (“Scott Pierce is executive vice president and chief operating officer of BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee.”)  These worldly responses have not taken into consideration the myriad factors of society which clearly lies at the root of this crisis.  They have definitely not considered the spiritual issues and goals discussed in prior installments of this series.

               From these descriptions and from our own experience, we repeatedly see and hear from the world that the mental health crisis needs more money, more experts, more mental health providers, and more regulation of society by government legislation.  Every last nuance of this comes wrapped in the worldview of materialism although it will often paint itself in the makeup of religion where the consensus of society still holds such supernatural views of the world.  They use the religious heart hook by claiming their approach is what Jesus would do for the sufferers or that it is our calling as Christians.  This flawed approach is what brought us to this point of a tangled shoestring, yet as is always the case, they keep pressing us to follow the same failed plan down the same doomed road promising that it will be different this time around.  We have thrown more and more money into health care for decades without receiving a worthy return on such an ongoing hefty investment.

               A Biblical response then stands out as our only hope against this backdrop of guaranteed failure of humanistic attempts at untangling the shoelaces.  Rather than starting with programs aimed at changing behaviors and diagnoses like the worldly approach, a Biblical approach begins with the human spirit as it relates to the one who created it.  No civil government can lead in this spiritual work, but instead must get out of the way and guard the boundaries of the two “institutions” which can do the real work.  These institutions are the family and the church when they operate according to a covenantal framework and move towards the spiritual goals of “shalom” and “Eirene” as described in prior blog installments. For the family and the church to have space to work on untangling the knot of mental illness, the state should step back rather than forward.  The fingers of the state will only get in the way of untangling the knot when it throws more money, more experts, more legislation, and more programs all tied to a faulty worldview at the crisis. 

               Once the government turns its hands away from the knot and towards giving the family and the church room to work, these God-ordained institutions must turn away from their own worldly patterns.  Both must wash themselves of their unbiblical methods which currently resemble the world more than the Bible.  While modern mankind can claim that it had advanced in terms of raising children and in terms of building a church, ultimately God’s original design still holds as the true instructional guide which leads to fruitful families and churches.  These two God ordained institutions must work together in moving not only themselves, but the whole of society towards God’s design of “shalom” for mental health. 

               We start by looking at the misdirected approach currently at work in the family.  In the setting of family from nuclear to extended, the world’s values have permeated and saturated the beliefs, the values, and the goals of family leaders and therefore refashioned the behavioral patterns and the actual individuals who result from these worldly fashioned families.  Parents and other adults in the family often view and treat children differently than the Bible instructs.  Many of these views are simply faulty extremes of otherwise Biblical values.  For example, the admonition to protect the weak (Psalm 82:3; Proverbs 31:8-9; Isaiah 1:17) often becomes an overprotective indulgence in which children receive so much doting and coddling that they do not mature with their own fortitude to handle life.  Having received every participation trophy possible, having been provided every entertainment as a child, having never been told “no”, and other similar overindulgences they frequently become adults who expect the rest of the world to baby them like their parents.  They more quickly crumble under conflict. They often run from challenges.  They complain that work is hard or wonder why someone expects them to earn their way.

               These generational products just described grow up to be the young adults who value themselves so much that they do not even want children.  Having children would hinder their own entertainment, travel, and lifestyle.  While one can live a fulfilled life if God calls them to be single or God withholds children from a marriage, a married couple’s choice to choose their freedom and lifestyle over having children indicates a lack of understanding about how children are a blessing from God.  This becomes an almost worse situation when such couples are blessed with children and the children are viewed either as a burden or become a surrogate to the parent’s own vicarious self-fulfillments.  In the former situation, the parents continue to live their dreams while the child is sent to various other care providers so as to stay out of the way.  In the latter, the child is pushed to perform in some way such as through academics, sports, or music so as to feed the parent’s pride and sense of accomplishment.  The dysfunction of each consequent generation only deepens and moves further from a Biblical approach if nothing intervenes in this cycle.

               Within these settings, the prevailing parenting advice of the world further misleads Christians in how to raise children.  They are urged to socialize their children in schools so that their children can function in a global economy.  They are encouraged to let their children have room to grow into their own adult lives by making their own life decisions.  They are convinced that it is necessary and good to send their children away to learn on their own and be more heavily influenced by others of their own age.  Each of these and other worldly values parading as good values, even couched in terms of being Godly values at times, lead away from a Godly design for families. 

               When the church does try to push back against the worldly advice, it sometimes swings the pendulum too far.  By overemphasizing strictness and control, some have advocated for hyper-religiosity and legalistic submission which produces its own rotten fruits in families’ lives.  Rather than resting in the simplicity of God’s instructions for parenting, they actually create another human-devised approach.  Without mentioning names that have been in the news in the past 10-20 years, such supposedly Christian leaders gather a following around what they promote as guaranteed Godly parenting strategies.  For the Christian families who attempt such approaches, they either suffer shame and guilt for not living up to the standard or produce resentful children who rebel against the control and legalism.  For those watching from the world, they then have more fodder to throw at Christianity for this harmful false portrayal of Christian parenting. 

               From each of these inappropriate approaches to parenting and family, the resulting next generation is set up for mental health dysfunction.  As mentioned earlier, some are set up to expect an easy life and frequently crumble when the world does not serve that easy life.  For others, they are so hurt by the bad view that they cannot respond beyond the trauma of life nor look to parents for support.  When their lives bring trials and storms, besides lacking internal fortitude, they do not have family support systems in which connected mothers and fathers provide a steadying force to the waves of life.  As examples of this common unfavorable outcome, many statistics show that sons without good fathers in their lives struggle either with mental health or turn to lives of sinful behaviors that lead to adverse consequences.  The National Center for Fathering describes real world consequences of children without fathers on their website.  Likely with a little searching we also find similar statistics for the results of children without a motherly presence in their lives.   These self-destructive patterns lead to more mental health dysfunction.  By following a worldly pattern of parenting and family life in contrast to Biblical pattern, we are producing a society of individuals far more prone if not pushed towards mental illness.

(Having described the dismal situation created by the worldly approach of patterning family after a non-Biblical pattern, we move in the next installment to considering a better pattern for family life that can counter the mental health crisis.)


Pierce, Scott. “Partnerships to Improve Tennesseans’ Access to Mental Health Care Are Critical | Opinion.” The Tennessean, 26 May 2023, www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/contributors/2023/05/26/mental-health-improving-tennesseans-access-to-care-is-critical/70248377007/. Accessed 15 Sept. 2023.

“The Consequences of Fatherlessness.” National Center for Fathering, fathers.com/the-consequences-of-fatherlessness. Accessed 15 Sept. 2023.

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(Having examined the Old Testament concept of “shalom” as including the goal of peace in mental health, we look to the New Testament for its further elaboration of this goal for mental health.)

             A New Testament counterpart to this connection between blessing and peace is found in John 14:27 where Jesus speaks to the disciples.  In this verse, Jesus tells them that “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”  The New Testament counterpart for “shalom” is found here in the word “eirene” translated also as “peace”.  As we know that Jesus loved His disciples and laid His life down for them, as well as reading that He next told them to not allow their hearts to be troubled, we can assume that this “peace” was a good thing, a blessing. 

             Paul reiterates this aspect of “peace” being an expected and desired blessing in Galatians 5:22-23 as well as Romans 5:1. In Galatians the fruits of the Spirit are listed and include “eirene” translated as “peace”. Obviously, in this context “peace” is a fruit born alongside the other blessings of a life lived in the Spirit.  In Romans 5:1, we are told by Paul that as a result of being justified by faith we now have peace with God through Jesus.  We are back to the beginning idea that the foundation of peace in life begins with having peace with God.

             Seeing that the “peace” described in these and other verses is clearly a good thing to desire, we are told not only that it begins with God, but also that it is through faith in Jesus by which we are justified.  While the simplicity of faith in Christ solely brings us into God’s kingdom and family, we should seek to understand what this simple faith means for how we live.  Both Jesus and Paul teach in Scripture that we should live responsively to this change in our status.  Jesus said “if you love me, you will keep my commands” (John 14:15 ESV).  Paul regularly urged his readers towards the ends of his various epistles to live like ones who have been made new.  This paints a fuller picture of the life of one seeking “peace” with God, but something deeper is still to be uncovered.

Throughout the Old Testament, God interacted with the children of Israel through covenants.  The most explicit ones include the Noahic, the Abrahamic, and the Mosaic.  Careful reading of the Bible also reveals covenants mentioned with Adam and with David in less explicit terms.  The people of God, the Jews, continued to fall short in keeping these covenants such that God promised a New Covenant to come in the words of Jeremiah chapter 31:31-34.  Several promises were made here including the forgiveness of sins and that God would fulfill the covenant Himself.  Jesus and other New Testament authors, especially the author of Hebrews connects Jesus’ work with this New Covenant foretold by Jeremiah.  The New Testament people of God would enter this New Covenant through the priestly work of Jesus. 

             Therefore, beyond the simple but true fact of coming to God through faith in Christ, we see that believers are now under this New Covenant.  The response of faith, as a gift of God, begins this Covenant relationship temporally yet it was established by God’s election in eternity past.  The response of one under this covenant should include obedience to the design of God for life as revealed in nature and as revealed in the Word.  To be given such a gift of life and after accepting it to then refuse His commands is not only unconscionable but guaranteed to bring about far different results than the “shalom” or “eirene” described earlier. 

             We must therefore view ourselves in covenant through Christ with the necessity of responding in gratitude for such an undeserved blessing.  To respond appropriately to God within this covenant framework, we must pursue it according to the His designed means of obtaining the “shalom” and “eirene” that comes with God’s blessing.  This includes learning how He has designed the natural world in terms its physical laws and how we has instructed us in the spiritual realm of relationship with Him and with others.  By beginning at the beginning of how we relate to God in Covenant through Jesus and following it through to the fruits of such a life lived in accordance with God’s design, we can offer hope for mental health.  By beginning with this as our goal for mental health, we can then hope for real changes which affect not only individuals within the society, but can also change society as a whole.

             I emphasize that this is an all or nothing process. Trying to take the first step of faith in Christ without the next step of seeking to follow God’s design for life in covenant will still leave us with the dis-ease of mental illness.  Even Christians who try to pursue mental health through the ways of the world will find themselves distressed and without the wholeness of “shalom” promised in the Word.  A Christian trying to live by the world’s rules will still find himself with a tangled knot of a shoelace wondering why God does not just untie it for him.  While the finished work of untangling must come from God, it must come through the work of our hands submitting to His design for life. 

             With this covenantal and Biblical understanding to the foundations of mental health firmly established before us as our primary goals, we will face the effects of the Fall differently.  The effects of Adam and Eve’s original sin will still present us with sin and its effects, temptations, trials of life, struggles, and ultimately death, yet the state of our hearts and minds will possess a heavenly sourced peace which transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  As individuals, we will have a tower that defends us against fear as well as guarding us against the emotional pain of physical or relational losses.  As a society, we will find many blessings.  We will find mutual support and edification in the body of Christ rather than isolation.  The weaker brother will find support rather than disdain (Romans 15:1).  We will find forgiveness rather than rejection and also be conveyors of God’s forgiveness to others (Matthew 6:14-15). 

             Given the purpose of this longer than originally intended article is to point towards real solutions and away from superficial worldly solutions, we cannot stop at this point however.  Having pressed our search for the foundational reason for the mental health crisis and having found this lack of proper goals for mental health, we are now left with a variety of options. We could consider this to be an impossible goal and retreat back to more superficial levels, less challenging.  At best this would still fail.  We could continue trying to solve this spiritual problem with worldly solutions.  At best this would still fail.  We could give up hope and resign ourselves to living with tangled shoelaces.  At best, this doubts the very promises of God we have read about above and throughout His Word.  From here we move beyond the descriptive where we sought understanding of what is and what we have been told in the Bible should be. There we have been given clear instructions that mental health requires spiritual health and spiritual health requires peace with God lived out according to His design under covenant.  Therefore, we move next to considering how we should begin to live out untangling the mental health crisis’ shoelaces.

(With the last two installments in this series having elaborated a Biblical grounded view of how we should view the goals of mental health, in the next blog posting we finally reach the fourth of the original questions which offers an approach to solving the mental health crisis.)

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Life Beyond Books – R.C. Sproul

“Our lives say much more about how we think than our books do. The theories we preach are not always the ones we actually believe. The theories we live are the ones we really believe.”― R.C. Sproul, Lifeviews: Make a Christian Impact on Culture and Society

              With this quote, R.C. tells us that the proof is in the pudding and our daily lives are the pudding which truly reveals what we think and what we believe. Others would point to the books which our society produces and which we read, or at least place on our shelves for future reading. Much fervor is exerted by many in proclaiming grand humanistic themes for life with some actions to support such professions. In reality we know that much hypocrisy hides behind these attempts at portraying oneself as noble.

              One of the books which we can most violate while boldly claiming to follow its tenets is obviously the Bible. While the influence of Christianity is waning, a great number of our nation would still tell their neighbor that the Bible on their shelf is important to them. If so many claim to be guided by the Bible, why is Christianity’s influence waning? From another angle, why do we hear so many versions of what the Bible says if we are all reading the same book?

              For the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testament to influence the society around us, it must first solidly influence the heart and mind within the individual of that society. Though God will reign over all creation despite no one believing His Word, a society’s reflection of God’s revealed truth depends on individuals taking His Word at face value.

              The second question challenges many as those proclaiming conflicting interpretations of the Bible can all claim to hold to the truths of the Bible. At times, there are simple misunderstandings due to our fallen nature affecting our reasoning and our frequent lack of effort expended to refine Biblical truth beyond the superficial reading of a verse or passage. At other times, the distortions are much deeper and broader indicating that someone has inflicted eisegesis out of their own bias rather than seeking to extract truth through exegesis.

              The proper approach of exegesis, by which one studies Scripture effectively to bring out the true meaning of the text is frequently forsaken when one wants to find their own beliefs and biases in a text. Eisegesis begins with someone wanting to prove their own beliefs by manipulating a real text to support such beliefs without shame in having distorted that text. That eisegesis allows them to proclaim adherence to the Bible without actually adhering to the real Bible.

              In the end, one looks down at their own pudding and must eat what their lives produced whether or not one’s proclamations matched their daily life. The books we read and produce, even the Bible cannot save us from ingesting this pudding. If we want to find our spoonfuls of pudding appetizing, we must begin with faith in the Christ of the Bible rather than the Christ of our imaginations. With the renewing power of salvation through faith alone in Christ alone, we must then shape our beliefs and our values according to His Word rather than what we wish His Word says. How we think and feel about everything should be shaped by these beliefs and values. From there, our practices of life individually and collectively will reflect these truths such that we can hope for the face of God to shine upon us with blessing.

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(Having reviewed materialistically focused contributors to the mental health crisis, we now go deeper for real root causes.)

              Ultimately all these factors depend on our spiritual view of reality and our response to it.  How we harness technology to improve life rather than be pushed along by it depends on our beliefs about ultimately reality having purposes to pursue outside ourselves.  How we choose what work to do, how much work is right, and how we go about work depends on our beliefs and values about what is true and important in life.  The choices we make regarding work-life balance, whether regarding what we balance against work or how we balance it, depend again on values and beliefs shaped by our view of reality.  The composition and function of our families will depend on our spiritual values and beliefs.  Even our participation in government and our response to it depends on our view of ultimate reality.  Holding a correct view of the spiritual truths of reality and applying them to our lives can extensively modify the impact of each of these contributors to mental health as well as any other factors that could be named. 

              Viewing the totality of life as comprised solely of the material which we see, taste, touch, smell, and hear but ignoring the unseen reality of the spiritual will only lead to problems.  Ignoring the reality of a Creator God who continues to reign over all things with expectations of our compliance with His natural order of the physical world as well as our obedience to His ethical commands will only result in problems such as we are experiencing or worse.  Up to this point, these physically focused views of the mental health crisis’ contributing factors ignored this spiritual reality, while their overwhelming portrayal of the problem was mounting a depressing picture.  Looking solely at the physical realities in the mental health crisis is like untangling the shoelaces by looking at only one shoelace and pretending the other knot does not exist.  They are left staring in disbelief at the fact that the knotted shoelaces are still a mess, maybe even worse than before they started.

              With this acknowledgement that the materialistic reality focused view falls woefully short, we could reflexively shift our attention to a spiritually simplistic view which still oversimplifies the crisis.  For example, we could jump to blaming various sins and that would still be inadequate though not technically wrong to include.  Sinful drives for pleasure, greed, lusts, gluttony and other sins do affect mental health.  We all know countless examples of how each of these sinful desires have destroyed the lives of someone around us.  As a society we also recognize the role of drug addiction in the present crisis of mental illness.  Each of these sins drive personal and societal forces and predictably lead to poor mental health as they were never meant to produce mental health, but to tempt us away from true health.  Simply trying to satisfy these tempting desires will not lead to mental health, but simply trying to avoid these sinful drives does not automatically guarantee mental health either.  Simplistically restraining sin through legislation or individual self-control only addresses the spiritual aspect of reality superficially.

              Another woefully short attempt to address the spiritual reality behind the mental health crisis can be found in a man-centered spirituality.  While going beyond physical responses, such a self-directed attempt still fails to address the totality of the spiritual need.  At times, these man-centered responses are promoted for individuals to use in overcoming their mental illness or to prevent it.  They come in various forms.  Meditation and mindfulness offer some superficial comfort for mentally hurting, but their mind over life challenges approach does not address the fullness of the spiritual realities and thus cannot heal at the deepest levels.  Self-help strategies are promoted to strengthen individuals who tend toward the “feeling powerless to change” attitude in order to teach them how to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.  Psychological strategies employed by a multitude of practitioners of different types also attempt to equip individuals to overcome their mental illness by learning to think differently and thus feel differently.  Their mind over emotion approach can lessen the suffering at times but without approaching life in its wholeness including a correct view of spirituality, the balm of relief only goes so deep and lasts so long.  Each of these individual responses falls short in fully or truly preventing or treating all the nuances and depths of mental illness.

              This same mindset of attempting to solve mental illness through man-centered means and philosophies can also be worked out in larger more systemically applied approaches.  One particular approach to life, the revolutionary mindset, claims it is aiming at solving the wrongs of individual and societal life while actually creating more mental disease through its forced application.  The revolutionary mindset refers to the age-old and often repeated worldview that the currently shared system of society is the primary source of our problems.  This mindset claims that our primary focus should be to overturn and replace that presently overarching worldview with something different, something revolutionary rather than simply reforming the current. 

              The claims that our society has been driven primarily by systemic racism for a few centuries serves as a present-day poignant example.  Those who promote this philosophy appear to see such systemic racism at work not only in the whole timeline of history but in practically every contemporary aspect of life which goes against their beliefs and values.  This mindset can then go beyond the racism one might think of in regards to skin color or nationality and extend into endless polarizations of us versus them regarding various lifestyles.  This revolutionary mindset at work in the proponents of modern-day systemic racism only creates more dysfunction in not only the broader mundane functions of society but also in the foundations of society, particularly families and churches.  Individuals are taught that they are being abused by nebulous forces working through their own neighbors, their own family, their own churches, and more.  Distrust and distress create angst and emotional disruptions which press them into mental illness.  Each of these man centered attempts at spiritual share the common approach of looking to self or to others for resolution so that we do not have to look to God for solutions. 

              Instead of these man-centered approaches, we must look deeper if we are to find a more wholistic picture of the mental health crisis.  The reality comes into focus that we as individuals and collectively as a society are not only pursuing the wrong desires, but we don’t even know what good mental health should look like.  (While a Christian’s goal is not technically primarily mental wellness / well-being, for the general audience seeking answers for mental illness, we approach from this angle so that we show that mental wellness requires spiritual wellness at its deepest foundation.) With respect to mental health we are trying to avoid the problem of mental illness, but don’t really know what we should be aiming at.  It must be more than satisfying a physical desire, sinful or not, and more than avoiding some bad feeling.  It must encompass more than pursuing something that we simply like better than something else and more than just a vague sense of feeling “good”.  We must have a better picture of the mental health shoelaces as they should look so we can pursue that ideal.  Then we have a chance of untangling the knot since we have no chance to just “start over” with the mess we see now.  We have to start from a tangled knot and work our way back to better mental health individually and societally.  

              We must understand what true mental health should look like based on something beyond us as looking no deeper than our own likes and dislikes and our own feelings will not provide a picture of what it should be.  The superficial goals will only partially explain what is now existent.  Instead, we must admit that a standard beyond us and an intended design for mental wellness exists.  We need to understand that standard and that design from the revelation of God’s Word in the Bible since our human view and understanding is inadequate due to the sinful natures which we all possess.  No matter how many human ideas we combine, the contamination of sin will never allow us to accurately reason out right from wrong, good from bad, mental health from mental illness in its entirety.  Only by revelation from the One who created all things can we hope to best understand what we should pursue in mental health.    Only by first understanding what mental wellness should look like can we then pursue it correctly.  

              In the revelation of the Bible, we can begin understanding God’s design for mental health by looking at some of the words used to describe health.  These words and their context describe what we should pursue.  This can begin by seeing mental health as just one part of the Hebrew word, “shalom” or the Greek word, “eirene”.  Another blog series (LINK HERE) spends its entirety working through these words and others in regards to what true health looks like, but for now I focus on these two words in regards to mental health.  “Shalom” refers to a state of wholeness in regards to physical, spiritual, and relational well-being having been derived from the Hebrew, “shalom” meaning complete.  (paraphrased from Brown-Driver-Briggs dictionary) “Eirene” similarly conveys individual or collective tranquility, freedom from war, peace between individuals, and also to the state of man after salvation through Christ as he or she stands before God (Thayer’s).

              Prior to delving into these Biblical words for well-being, we must acknowledge the reality of our condition.  Such conformity to a revealed standard will sound daunting in terms of understanding it and in terms of living it.  The conformity required by God is perfection (Matthew 5:48: could also be translated as “mature” but with same connotation of becoming “mature” like God which is unattainable by our own efforts).  Our human limits in terms of knowing, reasoning, and doing rightly fall short in terms of natural abilities and also in terms of our sinful natures.  Only through the work of the Holy Spirit within us can we rightly understand general revelation or special revelation (1 Corinthians 2:6-16).  In order to know God and his design rightly, we must know God in terms of relationship such that His Spirit makes our understanding as clear as is humanly possible. 

               Once we know God in relationship, we can then press into understanding God’s intent for us.  Aiming at “shalom” or “eirene” means that we attempt to live in that wholeness which only God gives.  We live in that wholeness when we live according to His given design for our bodies, our relationships, and even our environment. We do this by living according to the spiritual ethics of our Creator revealed supernaturally and according to the physical laws of our Creator revealed in nature.  This design applies to our relationships with family, with church, and with community, as well as with the physical environment (dominion mandate of Genesis). 

              We see this goal of “shalom” in various verses of the Bible as the ideal goals for the state of our whole-being.  Numbers 6:24-26 serves as a beautiful example as it connects this “shalom” in verse 26 translated as “peace” to God’s blessing in verse 24.  In the three verses of 24 through 26, blessing is connected with God’s keeping, His face shining on them, His grace towards them, His countenance upon them, and finally with giving them “shalom”.  This state of blessing and “shalom” depends entirely on God’s disposition towards them and is the basis for the well-being of our lives.

              We see a similar proclamation in Psalm 29:11 where the Psalmist first petitions for strength for His people.  Then the Psalmist petitions for the blessings of peace.  Given the inspired nature of the Psalms and no nearby Scripture context to refute this petition’s appropriateness, we can assume that this prayer for peace was consistent with God’s will.  Again, peace is connected as a core part of God’s blessing. 


Thayer’s Expanded Greek Definition, Electronic Database.  Biblesoft, Inc.  https://www.studylight.org/lexicons/eng/greek/1515.html  Accessed 10/28/23

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, Unabridged, Electronic Database.  BibleSoft.com.  https://www.studylight.org/lexicons/eng/hebrew/7965.html Accessed 10/28/23

(In the next installment, we will carry this concept of “shalom” into the New Testament with the Greek word “eirene”.)

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