November 2023


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Christian Resistance

Excerpt #12 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

Christian Resistance

              Narrative examples of the early Christian’s resistance or disobedience to established civil authority provides helpful insight through a variety of responses.  In Acts 4:1-31 and Acts 5:29, Peter and John demonstrated respect towards the Sanhedrin while unequivocally refusing to obey their commands which contradicted those of God.  Paul, undergoing harassment from both civil and religious leaders, escaped in a basket from the authorities who sought to execute him (Acts 9:23-25).  No disapproval of this fleeing is found in that text.  In another instance, Paul used his Roman citizenship to avoid unlawful punishment in Acts 22:24-29. 

              Some means of resistance are also noted in commanded flight from authorities.  As mentioned earlier, Joseph and Mary fled from Herod.  Matthew 10:23 commands the disciples to flee to the next city when they are persecuted in one town.  Hebrews 11:37-40 commends the faith of those who had wandered “about in deserts and mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth” in their fleeing from persecution.    If one considers the analogous pattern of children being commanded to obey parents in Ephesians 6:1-3 as a form of instituted authority, then the approved description of the Gospel turning children against their parents in Luke 12:53 would seem to coincide with this concept that man is to obey God rather than any instituted authority if only one may be obeyed to the exclusion of the other (Volkmer). In fact Ephesians 5:6-11 clearly commands Christians to “not become partners with them” (the sons of disobedience) (Volkmer).  I Peter 4:14 even describes those who are persecuted for Christ’s sake as blessed as does the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:10), assuming that Christians will oppose evil in whatever form it occurs and suffer for such opposition. 


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“Christians can agree that people do construct meanings for themselves — philosophies, religions, ideologies, and rationalizations– all in a vain attempt to evade the truth of God. Constructing one’s own meanings and one’s own gods rather than acknowledging the one living God is called idolatry.” – Veith, G. E., Jr. (1994b). Postmodern Times: A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture. Crossway, p. 63.

              People construct shelters for themselves from physical elements which they want to avoid. They also construct rationalizations and meanings for reality in order to escape the truth of God. Those who refuse to submit to God and His truth create all manners of philosophies, religions, and ideologies on the grander scale and daily rationalizations on the smaller scale. Some are consciously devised and others unconsciously utilized to avoid facing reality. As John Calvin once stated, man is an idol factory. These attempts to evade God’s call to faith and obedience serve as idols quite effectively as a sculptured image of the creature.

              While non-believers live their entire lives under such influences, followers of Christ can also succumb to such idolatry. Such idolatry in the believer results in nearly as much harm as in the unbeliever. While the believer is secure in their salvation, they may still hinder their witness and limit the blessings of life by pursuing these false idols.

              Many Christians live under the power of simple lifestyle rationalizations. By either neglecting the reading of His Word or simplistic attempts at exegesis, they convince themselves that certain behaviors or beliefs are acceptable. Pursuit of entertainment and pleasure distract many from true joy in God’s ways. Pursuit of power or wealth at the expense of ethics and morals tempt many to excuse themselves from guilt. These rationalizations become little idols which grant permission to rebel.

              Many also go further and due to similar reasons under the power of vain philosophies, deceptive ideologies, and even replacement religions such as cults. Social justice perverts the Biblical term we know as justice into a play for power and even a false gospel if taken too far. Charismatic personalities gather followers, slowly leading others further and further away from God’s truth, so the followers will idolize the person more than God. The list of possible idols like this fill both history books and the contemporary headline.

              In order to tear down such idols in our own thinking and from the world around us, we must return to reading God’s Word and deriving our beliefs and values from the Bible, so that our thoughts and feelings align with what we read there, thus directing our practices both individually and collectively away from such idols. Only then can we hope to lead ourselves and lead others to truth.

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Excerpt #11 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

Beyond a Simple Attitude of Submission

               Besides an attitude of submission, believers are commanded in I Timothy 2:1-3 to pray for all peoples, including civil authorities, as this is pleasing to God (Duncan III).  Not only is it pleasing to God, but immediately afterwards God’s desire for “all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” expands this to include spiritual benefits in addition to earthly ones (WCF, Nelson).  This command sounds very similar to the one in the book of Jeremiah to seek the welfare of the city in which they were exiled, for believers are sent into the world not to be a part of it but to interact with it on many levels (John 17).  When one combines this idea with Matthew 6:10-13, where Jesus instructs the disciples on how to pray, God’s Will for the shalom of all people becomes a particular portion of His Will to “be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

              Several examples of obedient submission are provided in the New Testament.  Jesus himself provides a model for submission to earthly authorities.  He submitted to the jurisdictional boundaries of instituted governments by paying instituted taxes or acknowledging civil jurisdiction right to tax in Matthew 17:24-27, Matthew 22:15-22, and Luke 20:25.  Despite the command to obey government, believers are foremost commanded to work not for man, including rulers, but for the Lord (Colossians 3:23-25). 

              Examples of obedient submission to government within the bounds of obedience to God may be discerned in Scripture in examples where new believers continued to work for government institutions after their conversions.  In Luke 19, Zaccheus is nowhere said to have forsaken his position of tax collector, only that he performed his duties righteously after having paid restitution.  In Acts 13, Paul did not instruct the leader Sergius Paulus to resign from Paphos leadership, nor did Paul direct the Philippian jailer to quit in Acts 16.  Paul exhibited these principles of obedience in how he behaved before the Roman government in Acts 25:10-12, Acts 24-25 before Felix, Festus, and Herod Aggrippa, as well as before Caesar in Acts chapters 26 through 28 (Bromiley, 545 ). The ISBE notes that in no Scripture does the New Testament forbid participation by Christians in civil government and cites the Ethiopian eunuch, Cornelius, “those in Caesar’s household”, as well as some already mentioned above as examples.  The ISBE highlights that these believers exercised these privileges as individuals rather than as representatives of the corporate Church (Bromiley, 545). 


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Excerpt #10 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

The Response of Christians to Civil Government

              The response of Christians and the Church after the first advent builds on the Jewish principles elucidated from the Old Testament, deepening them and furnishing further examples of how to obey God in the public expression of Christian life.  Again, commands for submissive attitudes, exhortations towards prayer, and God’s reactions to both obedience and disobedience will provide the student of Scripture with great wisdom. 

              The exhortation towards an attitude of submission to ordained authorities stands out repeatedly in the New Testament.  The primary New Testament texts addressing government make this clear.  Titus 3:1 and I Peter 2:13-17 both stand beside Romans 13:1-7 as the most explicit statements regarding Christian’s obedience to earthly authorities.  Romans 13:1-7 leaves no doubt that such an attitude is commanded by God.  In I Peter Christians are commanded to “be subject … to every human institution whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors…”  Peter also commands his readers to honor the emperor.  Dale R. Bowne and Jon D. Currid, note that despite Peter’s calling civil government a “human institution”, he directs believers to obey their rulers.  It has already been established that God delegated the authority to these “human institutions”.  Therefore wisdom demands appropriate submission to God’s instituted leaders.  Peter explains that by doing so they will silence foolish people (Hoffecker, 183).  Titus 3:1 also directs a submissive attitude to rulers and authorities.  No denial of this direct command is possible.


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Excerpt #9 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

Summary of Old Testament Jew’s Response to Government

              In summary of Jewish subjection and response to human government, several principles can be ascertained.  First, they were to have a submissive attitude towards earthly rulers while praying to God in all matters including for provision through foreign powers and protection from these same powers. Second, they owed obedience first to God and then to human government only so far as obedience to God could be maintained.  Third, when that obedience to God could be maintained, they were to seek the welfare of the government or culture ruling them.  Fourth, should the government demand disobedience to God and His Law, the people could resist that government when led by God to do so through leaders appointed by God.  Fifth, in contrast, resistance to godly government would result in judgment for those who rebelled.  Ultimately, it all boiled down to obeying God.  God, as ultimate authority demanded submission to His Will and Law. 


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David’s Resistance Against Government

Excerpt #8 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

David’s Resistance

               The narrative of the conflict between David and Saul provides many instances of resistance to the civil government.  David’s period of fleeing Saul exhibits several forms of obedience and disobedience which each elicit approval as righteous acts or at least no condemnation.  David had been anointed future king by Samuel (I Samuel 16:13) and had gained great respect from the Jews (I Samuel 18:6-16).  Saul knew of David’s fame and feared it (I Samuel 18:6-16), causing him to try to kill David (I Samuel 18:1-2).  Knowing God’s will for his future, David was under no obligation to surrender to Saul’s act even though it was an act of Israel’s government.   David took Jonathan’s warning in chapter 20 and escaped Saul’s plan to murder him.  Others fled to serve under David and also incurred no Biblical condemnation, though they were effectively rebelling against Saul by supporting David (I Samuel 21:1-2).  Yet, when David had the opportunity to slay Saul by ambush, David held back unwilling to lift a hand directly against God’s anointed (I Samuel 24:1-15).  Saul recognizes his own sin in this episode (verses 16-22).  Clearly, the righteousness of each participant depended not on the simple presence or absence of government approval, but on whether or not God approved.   


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“I’ve often wondered where Jesus would apply His hastily made whip if He were to visit our culture. My guess is that it would not be money-changing tables in the temple that would feel His wrath, but the display racks in Christian bookstores.”― R.C. Sproul, Lifeviews: Make a Christian Impact on Culture and Society

              While truth always blesses and benefits one’s life, truth does not always feel good. Hearing R.C. Sproul’s biting words of rebuke against the average so-called Christian bookstore will bless all who respond rightly to it, yet the realization stings when accepted. Simply put, not all that self-proclaims itself as Christian truth actually teaches Christian truth despite its popularity on a store bookshelf.

              R.C. questions whether or not Jesus would respond to the promulgation of such lies and deceits in these stores as he did with the money-changing tables. The money-changers painted themselves as ones who enabled the public to bring the correct type of currency to the temple service for offerings. In reality, their business opportunity included unjust exchange rates that extorted money from their customers. To Jesus, they were bringing deceit and evil into the very house of God they claimed to serve. He saw them as wicked hypocrites and drove them out.

              Today’s popular so-called Christian authors portray themselves as sources of Christian truth, yet much is repackaged worldly foolishness. Psychological approaches to life and convenient justifications for one’s sinful lifestyle compete with over-simplified legalistic approaches to serving God depending on one’s natural bias towards one or the other. The books often feed more of what one already believes about God, faith, and life than changing one’s sinful nature with God’s actual truth.

              While Jesus no longer walks physically on this earth and we should not take a whip into the local bookstore for any such similar action, some response is needed by those who pursue God’s truth. A correct response to these contemporary distortions begins with knowing what God’s Word actually says and discerning the distortions of today’s books whether explicitly Christian or simply offering an alternative view of life to Christianity. From there, courage can carry one through to engagement with the broader culture starting with one’s friends, church community, and neighbors.

              With knowledge, discernment and loving engagement, we can proclaim Godly beliefs, teach others to value what God values, align our thoughts and feelings with God’s ways, and direct Godly practices in ourselves and our communities. We and others around us who follow this example will flourish in God’s blessing through such work.

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Excerpt #7 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

God judges civil governments by a standard. 

               God judges civil governments by a standard.  Being under both the general commandments given to all and also specific commandments directed at their offices, rulers and governments are judged by these commands repeatedly in Scripture.  Isaiah 10:5-6 succinctly ties together God’s commanding and judgment, using Assyria to judge Israel for her unfaithfulness by commanding Assyria to attack and to destroy.  This comes soon after 10:1 where it says “woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness, which they have prescribed.”  King Saul’s poor judgment is well known to most Christians from 1 Samuel 15:25-33.  Daniel tells of judgment on rulers in both 4:17-25 and 5:25-28.  The Psalms, specifically in 94:20-23, describe what God will do to the rulers who “frame injustice by statue” and “condemn the innocent to death”.  Psalm 2 describes God’s response to those rulers who conspire in rebellion against God and His Anointed.  Psalm 105:14 tells how God “rebuked kings on their account”.  These rulers clearly include nations like the Chaldeans, not just Israel, as is shown by Habakkuk 2:12:  “woe to him who builds a town with blood and founds a city on iniquity!”  Isaiah 5:20-23, I Samuel 12:13-15, 2 Chronicles 21:17, Micah 2:2, Isaiah 1:21-26, and Ezekial 34:1-5 also support this principle of God judging rulers’ unrighteousness.

              In contrast, 2 Samuel 23:3-4 describes how a just ruler, ruling in the fear of God, will be a blessing to the people.  This ruler will dawn on them “like the morning light…”   2 Kings 17:1-8 then provides a specific example, describing how King Hezekiah’s obedience to God brought blessing to the people of Israel.  Ultimately, after all nations and rulers have had their appointed time on earth, Revelation 11:15-16 describes how all kingdoms of the earth will become “the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever”.  Here, the blessing of the archetype of the righteous ruler will be fully manifested in Christ’s full manifestation.


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How Do We Choose What We Do?

               In order to pursue a worthy purpose repeatedly and diligently, the wheels of will, mind, and body must meet the road of life, engaging traction upon it.  Mere mental recognition of these potential drivers of life only takes one to the point of decision but not over the threshold of engagement.  Understanding how we move past this point will equip us to make the next step into engagement with life.  Reality makes it obvious that we are faced with choices unless philosophers are correct in that it is an illusion covering over actual determinism (all things determined by other factors with no opportunity for actual personal choices).  While we confirm that God rules sovereignly over all things past, present, and future, we see in the Bible clear choices for mankind, even if we don’t fully understand how God’s sovereignty concurs with our freedoms to choose.  In the end, our beliefs and values must be empowered by God’s working out His will in us and through us in order to influence the world around us.  These empowered choices to carry out the works we were created to do (Ephesians 2:10) are repeated a million times over a lifetime to reach the goal of shalom, or whole person well-being.  (See prior essay “Biblical Values to Uphold In Whole Person Health Part 1: Old Testament Word Study”)

               Lives of fruitfulness require that we choose repeatedly to move towards correctly chosen purposes.  Our will must push, the mind must respond, the body must engage reality as a tire presses into asphalt and begins to move the vehicle.  The body physically carries out what the will desired and the mind conceived.  While these are here separated, in reality for the will to desire, the mind had to present a conception of what might be desired in the future after a choice is made and acted upon by the body.  Furthermore, the body had perceived the physical reality through its senses allowing the mind and will to better understand what it might desire.  Without becoming lost in these philosophical explorations, one must humbly accept the reality in which they live and move.

               Unless one is distracted by irrational philosophical mind games, one will have to admit that choices are ever-present. Philosophers and teachers of bad religion can attempt to deny that we have choices within our reach by appealing to deterministic life approaches. Philosophers have promulgated the idea of “fates” in the past and today we look to the forces of “science” producing set causes paired with inalterable effects.  Religions have also toyed with the “fates” as controlling beings rather than brute forces.  Even in Christianity, an overextended or overemphasized sovereignty of God can leave one feeling trapped in a destiny that one cannot change.  Holding the Bible as true, we are faced with the reality of choices we see described in its pages.  For example, God called the Hebrews to choose to serve (Joshua 24:15 and others) and God calls us now, after Christ’s first coming, to respond to Christ (Acts 2:38 and others).  God then calls us who are regenerated to respond in obedience to live out a response worthy of the call (Ephesians 4:1).  We were created for good works, yet we must choose good works. (Ephesians 2:10).

               Once choices are accepted as the only reality confirmed by the Bible and also by our perception of reality, their performance must be grounded in right beliefs, driven by right values, and empowered by God’s working.  From the beginning, according to God’s sovereignty, all things must originate with God.  Therefore, a good fruit from a good choice must begin with God’s working in us.  If we start with a right belief in our fallen condition resulting from Adam’s fall, we can more easily see that something beyond ourselves is needed to overcome our brokenness.  This truth presses upon us whether or not we recognize and believe it, but our belief in it as a fundamental reality makes our cooperation with it more fruitful.  Having already connected back to right beliefs about reality, we must see the created world as it really is. Physically, we perceive it as having true substance with which we interact.  Relationally, we perceive that we are not alone in this reality as others influence what we experience in it.  Spiritually, through inborn instincts and through God’s revelation of His word, we know that there is more to reality than solely the physical and we owe allegiance not ultimately to the physical reality but to the creator of the reality.  On this foundation we can construct an accurate set of beliefs about reality.

               Once we have our perception correct in that set of beliefs, we can develop values on what matters and on what is important to our Creator. We may move towards natural inclinations to determine our values, but our fallenness and lack of an external standard will create a great variety of individual values which are inconsistent with God’s values.  Or instead, we can value God’s ways as better than ours and seek His values to be ours, making our desires from His desires.  Values consistent with God’s values based on right beliefs sets us up for right choices leading to right behaviors.  We learn His values through our minds and our practices as guided by His Spirit.  Our mind applies His Word to understanding by diligent study.  Repeated applications of that understanding deepens our understanding of God’s ways.  Given our sinful nature (Romans 7), we must have His Spirit to move us beyond our fallen tendencies to error.  Our values must reflect His values through His Spirit working in us.

               By believing what is right according to God’s design and desiring what is right according to God’s Word, we can move according to His Spirit working in us to move our bodies to carry out right actions.  We can choose right and good and best only if beliefs and values are correct.  Again emphasized, belief that is contrary to reality makes one’s actions irrational and unlikely to achieve correctly desired outcomes. Also again, valuing the wrong things moves us towards wrong actions.  In contrast, God’s Spirit working with us finishes the work and we can then choose rightly.  Belief, values, and God’s Spirit underlie how we choose and how we choose repeatedly despite pressure to do otherwise.

Next in this Pracsy Series… “Body in Practice, The Beginning”

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Excerpt #6 of “Analysis of Romans 13:1-7 in Light of the Analogy of Scripture”

               Given the length of the full paper I recently published on this site, I am posting excerpts which emphasize specific principles within the paper.  Hopefully, these excerpts will not only encourage you to read the actual paper, but also think more deeply about the role of Romans 13:1-7 in our response to both Godly and ungodly civil government in our day and time.  A proper understanding and obedience to Scripture is critical today as always.  This particular Scripture has been mishandled in so many ways that a methodical approach to its exegesis is needed to avoid further error by both individual Christians and the broader church.  The pressures being exerted upon true Christianity by the contemporary civil government demand a Biblical response informed by Romans 13:1-7 and the other Scriptures addressed within this paper.

               (These excerpts are posted in the order as found in the paper, but do not include the entirety of the paper which combined.  Only the PDF contains all sections of the paper.)

God works out His Will through ordained leaders.

               Having ordained governments and their rulers, God then directs their actions.   God works out His Will through ordained leaders.  Chapter five of the Westminster Confession of Faith reiterates this in broader, yet inclusive terms.  This truth is revealed in His Word both in narrative accounts, prophecies, and propositional statements.  Ezra 1:1-3 and 2 Chronicles 36:22 tell of how Isaiah’s prophecy (Is.: 44:28) regarding Cyrus and Jeremiah’s prophecy of the exile’s end was fulfilled (Jeremiah 29:10).  This exemplifies God’s control over nations and kings in all places at all times.  Such power to direct and determine the course of kingdoms is also mentioned in Daniel 2:21. Isaiah prophesied in 49:22-23 that God would move the nations along with their kings and queens to serve His people.  Psalm 33:10 describes how “the LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples.”  The previously described rebellion of Jeroboam in I Kings 12:15 fulfilled God’s prior prophecy through Ahijah (I Kings 14:1-8) (Cole).  Maybe such verses served as the reasoning why John Calvin argued that wicked rulers where one means of God by which He punish His people’s sins (Cole quoting Calvin’s Comm. p 480 in Baker).  God ordains both institutions and individual rulers and directs them in His desired course.  

               God commands rulers not only generally through commands which apply to all people, but also particularly through commands specific to their positions.  Having ordained leaders for Israel, in Deuteronomy 1:16-18, God, through Moses, commands them to “judge righteously”, to “not be partial in judgment”, and to “not be intimidated by anyone”.  In Deuteronomy 16:18-20, having commanded the people to appoint leaders, God again gives commands to the people regarding how the leaders are to rule.  In Zechariah 45:7-9, God commands the princes of Israel retrospectively, commanding them to put away violence and oppression as well as to “execute justice and righteousness”.  Specific commands are given to princes in Ezekiel 45 in regard to their sinful actions of taking the property of their subjects.  God’s words through Jeremiah in 22:1-5 also express clear commands to judges and rulers in Israel along with the people of Israel, demanding their obedience.  Though spoken generally to stewards,                     I Corinthians 4:2 could properly apply to rulers in requiring that they be found faithful. Therefore, God does not leave rulers and leaders only with general commands that apply to all His people, but He repeatedly requires specific obedience from them in their appointed offices.


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