As a child of God, I am one saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone and not of my own works. I came to faith in a small town Baptist church at the age of 11, but was nurtured in faith over the years by God’s providence in a variety of church settings and denominations. The providences of life challenged my faith as I faced intellectual challenges in my education, emotional challenges of grief, loss, and disappointments, and spiritual challenges to persevere in God’s truth. God worked all of these into good for my ongoing sanctification.
From there the further deepening of this child-like faith through these challenges brought me to the present where the Reformation’s principles undergird my current faith and practice. By grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, empowered by His Spirit, I stand justified before God, already saved but not yet fully sanctified. In response, I submit to the work of His Spirit in sanctifying me through my participation in the good works which He created me to accomplish (Ephesians 2:10) until I reach my eternal rest and home.
Today, my carrying out of my reasonable service (Romans 12) means that I live out Colossians 3:23 in all the areas of life to the fullest of my abilities empowered by the Spirit working in me as I look to Christ as not only my Redeemer but also as my model in becoming more and more Christ like through the sanctifying work of the Spirit. This is enacted in who I am, what I do with my life, and my relationship with not only God but also with others. Only through God’s power working in me can I hold to the truth and live out the truth in this life.